Category: Braid - Braided Hairstyles - African American black women
Hairstyle For Black Women & Fashion
Helpful Tricks While Making Hair Braiding Styles
You should definitely comb your hair before use and use cream if necessary. You can be sure that when you wrap your hair wet, you can make sure that a [...]

The Most Trendy Hair Braiding Styles For Teenagers
Many people know the hair braid. Every girl has made her hairclip everyday in-school period. Of course, as the years pass, everything that is fashiona [...]
Give Your Hair A Natural Look By Making Hair Braids
Dear ladies. I wanted to share with you some hair braidings which look as beautiful as natural hair. You may hesitate on making hair braidings for dai [...]
The Best Knot Hair Braiding Styles For Daily Life Usages
Dear ladies. Every day we are trying to make different hairstyles. It takes too much time from us. But, even we spend time, we want to look different [...]
How Should We Make-Up With Hair Braiding Styles
Braidings are that type of hairs that are hard to combine with dresses and make-up. If you are making a hair braiding, and if you want to be a simple [...]
Twist Hair Braidings Are On The Top As Always
Hair braidings are getting beautiful and beautiful day by day. Every day we can see a different braid style, created for black women. There are some i [...]
Start Your New Year With New Hair Braiding Stylings
Hi beautiful ladies. New Yeas has come with new beginnings. By the new year, as ladies we would like to have some differences in our look. The best wa [...]

Make A Difference On The Beach This Season With Braidings
Hi ladies. Yes, nowadays we are in winter days. Summer seems like is far away from us. But you will see, that great months will come to us very fast. [...]

The Best Ghana Hair Braiding Designs For Special Events
Hello ladies. We know that getting ready for special nights is a difficult thing. You cannot decide on how to make your hairstyle. Classic hairstyles [...]

Perfect Designs For Hair Braidings You Won’t Believe
Hi beautiful ladies. Hairstyle is an important factor of a beautiful look. But, all of us got bored of those classic models. We are matching with many [...]

The Most Beautiful Ghana Hair Braiding Of All Times
Hello ladies. Nowadays Ghana hair braids are on the top of the popular hairstyles. This style doesn't contain just one type. On the internet, you can [...]

A New Trend Of Hair Braidings – Corkscrew Braids
Hi ladies. We have wrote many articles on how to use your hair braids, how to clean them, and what are the bad and good sides of braids. Now, we have [...]

How Ghana Hair Braid Models Are Used In Everyday Life
Hello ladies. Using Ghana hair models in everyday life can be difficult for you. But there are some ways that will help you to use them. Let's look at [...]

These Hairstyles Will Make Your Kids Realize Their Dreams
Among the new season's children's hair models, the most popular ones are the child's hair modeling braids. These models are highly preferred by both c [...]

The Most Beautiful Hair Braid Models Suitable For Daily Use
Hi ladies. Here you have some braid models that you can use easily in your daily life. It's not a difficult thing to make them and even to use them. L [...]

Interesting Informations You Don’t Know For Ghana Hair Braids
Hello ladies. We wrote many articles about the trends of ghana hair braids. Many women have no informations about hair braidings, and stay away from t [...]

New Trends Of Hair Braidings For New Year’s Eve
Does it seem like you passed too quickly all year? December has come like a day passing. These days, new year plans are being discussed and prep [...]

Trendy Braid Hair Models For Little Ladies
Mommies know! Especially for girls, hair models are very important. They want the hair of the princess characters they watch on TV, they want the ha [...]

Informations You Have Never Heard About Your Hair
Hello ladies. Let's take a pause and have some fun while learning interesting things about your hair.A hair reveals many things that are rel [...]

What Are The Benefits Of Using Braid Hair Models
Hi ladies. Here you are some informations about the benefits of having braid hairs.We can say that the African braid does not cause any damage [...]

This Year’s Most Popular School Hair Styles For Young Ladies
Young students want to look beautiful with their hair when they go to the school. When I go to the school every day, how do I shape my hair? When we [...]

Look At The Best Twist Braid Models Of The New Season
Braid models have always seen like models just for daily life. But, nowadays many different braid models have come up and showed us that braid models [...]

How Should We Take Care Of Ghana Hair Braids In Summer
Ghana hair braids are a good choice for summer days. You can easily use them in everyday life. But, as normal hair, it has some rules for taking care [...]

Braided Hairs Combining The Modern And Traditional Styles
Of course there are many hairstyles you can do, depending on where you go. However, braided hair modeling is both easy to do and easy to adapt to ever [...]

New Ghana Hair Braid Models For This Winter Season
Hi ladies.The hairstyle is a difficult problem for all of us. Every season has its difficulties that make us worry about when going especially to [...]

Are Ghana Hair Braids Dangerous For Health?
The African braid, which provides a particularly young and dynamic image, is preferred by women of almost every age. From the café to the meeting hall [...]

Misconceptions About Ghana Hair Braids And The Truth About Them
Ladies. There are many wrong informations about hair braids. We want to show you the truth about Ghana hair braids.It's said that hair braids [...]

10+ The Most Trendy Ghana Hair Braids For Long Hairs
The braid models are looking as a piece of art, aren't they? Especially they look gorgeous on long hairs.A classic braid style. Its name si [...]

60 Fabulous Styles For Goddess Braided Hairstyles for Women in 2022
When you hear about the name ''Goddess'' you may think that these types of hairs are that type that is made for some special events or special person. [...]

The Most Stylish Ghana Braids For Night Events
Getting ready for a night event is a difficult thing for ladies, especially to decide on your dress and your hairstyle. Every lady wants to be the mos [...]

The Latest 26 Trends Of This Season For Ghana Hair Braids
Braid hair models are a commonly used hair model from ancient times. Both the easy model and the beautiful look are compact and beautiful, making this [...]

Some Stunning Box Braids that will make heads turn
In the event of you liking hairdos that could get your pure hair to develop more rapidly with a superior texture, there is no need for looking any fur [...]

150+ Braided hairstyles that really make you look cool and amazing
In order to look good Mixed hairstyles should be tried. If you do the same hairstyle everyday then the look becomes very common and people will not no [...]
Braid less sews style that looks very good
Various ways and tricks are present nowadays so that you can present yourself nicely. Hairstyles should be done nicely in order to look good.The w [...]
Lovely braids that will rock any party or event
As the days passes by all the hairstyles that were thought to be old fashioned and not trendy are slowly creeping back in fashion. Nowadays, various t [...]

72 Photos: Amazing Jumbo braided hairstyle to look trendy!
Women love experimenting with their hair. Some women love experimenting with colors whereas some love experimenting with hairstyles. Women can make a [...]

40 PHOTOS: Trendy Hairstyles Without Damaging Hair
Whenever you go to try a different hairstyle, in some way or the other it will definitely damage your hair to some extent. The reason that follows is, [...]

92 Photo Hot Amazing Braided Hairstyles: Look Pretty and Feel Confident
The hairstyle is one of the most important things that enhance the overall look. Braided hairstyles are a must to consider. Braided hair looks very st [...]

2022 Braids Hairstyles || 180 Best Black Braided Hairstyles To Try In 2022
The hair of the women is generally very good with a very fine texture. They are god-gifted with good hair that is very strong. Braided hairstyles look [...]

85 PHOTOS: Super Hot Black Braided Hairstyles
Nowadays, women try different types of hairstyles and braided hairstyles are never out of fashion. If a woman wants a clean, tidy, and cool look then [...]

55+Trendy The different box braids artificial hairstyles
[tps_header]Box braid hairstyles can be one of the most stylish, versatile, and fashionable hairstyles that can be done with a lot of patience and ten [...]

Maintaining Box Braids And Senegalese Twists
Box braids and Senegalese twists are great protection for your hair in the winter season. They are done with your own hair and they are definitely bea [...]
How to create box braid on your own hair
[tps_header]The box braid is one of the best hairstyle that is extremely beautiful and detailed. The video shows very simply the technique to be appli [...]
How to create the double braid on straight long hair
[tps_header]The double braid is particularly popular among those who are looking for a sporting style. The style is very easy to recreate. The hairsty [...]

What You Need To Know About Your Hair Care
Hi ladies. There are many types of hair. So, there are many types of hair care you don't know. Let's see hair cares on different hair types.Yo [...]

The Emulated Crochet Braid Styles on Black Women – be the Superstar
[tps_header]The crochet braid style was used to enhance the celeb personality in the early days. Now, it can serve more than a basic attitude. The ama [...]

Hairstyles that you can do with box braids
[tps_header]There are various kinds of hairstyles that you can do with the help of box braids. People who love experimenting with different kinds of h [...]

The best kind of corn row braid for amateurs
[tps_header] If you would like a different style to your hair, then you could try out the corn row style braid that looks elegant and is simple to mak [...]

135 Photos: Afro-American Hair Braid Styles Of 2020-2021 – Make Dimensional Braids
[tps_header]If you want to break the common stature and knock your society with fascinating style, then try for some cornrow hair patterns. Here, you [...]

176 Types of African Braid Hairstyles To Try Today
176 Best Black Braided Hairstyles That Turn Heads in 2021
Types of African Braid Hairstyles To Try Today Braids are quite popular during the summer s [...]

77 Beautiful Braided Hairstyles for Natural and Relaxed Hair
Awesome hairstyles for women!
How do you want to wear your hair? Do you wanna tie it up? Or keep it down low? Do you prefer a messy side bun? No matt [...]